Happy Hour for Raphael House Thursday May 9th

Pint of Beer

Join us!

Our next happy hour supporting Raphael House is sponsored by Fort George Brewery’s Tender Loving Empire NWPA. Come join us for a drink against domestic violence!

Tonight’s Happy Hour @ Verdict Bar and Grill

Tonight is the night! Don’t forget to join us at the Verdict Bar & Grill in Oregon City from 6-9pm to support Speak Up. Kids are welcome, there’s outdoor seating, and the weather’s fine!

Happy Hour Benefiting Speak Up Wednesday April 3rd

Pint of Beer

Join us!

Join us in raising a pint to benefit Speak Up.

The Verdict Bar & Grill in Oregon City  will be hosting this so come out to enjoy excellent food, beer & friends, all for a great cause.


Happy Hour Benefiting NW Autism on Feb 7th

Pint of Beer

Join us!

Join us in raising a pint to benefit NW Autism.

Sports on Tap will be hosting this so come out to enjoy excellent food, beer & friends, all for a great cause.